Prescott College Dance Alumni Reunion
November 6-8, 2015
This is a big happening! Prescott College Dance Reunion is November 6-8. Liz Faller and I are hosting a large convergence of Prescott College dancers over the last 22 years that we've been teaching at Prescott College. There are also dancers and faculty coming from before our time, so it encompasses the entire history of dnace at Prescott College from the beginning. It it open to all! There's a full weekend of workshops, performances, dance party and time to reconnect around the dance experience at Prescott College. Below is the schedule for the weekend:
More info on webpage including links for workshop descriptions and poster: http://www.prescott.edu/dance-reunion.
Performance, seven workshops, dance party, four delicious meals (separate fee), time to converse and relax, etc. $50 for the full reunion. $10-15 at the door, per event.
First workshop is Friday at 2:30pm, Coming Home: Improv Mixer with Delisa and Liz. Closing Circle is Sunday at 12:15pm.
All events will be at GPAC (Granite Performing Arts Center) unless otherwise noted.
218 B N. Granite, Prescott, Ariz.
Please allow time for check-in. Attend any or all of the events.
Thursday, November 5
1:30-6 p.m. GPAC Open for Rehearsal
6 p.m. Alumni Performance Dress Rehearsal
Friday, November 6
8 a.m.-12:30 p.m. GPAC Open for Rehearsal
1 p.m. Doors Open, Check- in,
GPAC Open Floor
2:30-4 p.m. Coming Home: Improv Mixer (Delisa Myles, Liz Faller)
4:30 p.m. Opening Circle
5:30-6:15 p.m. Soup and Salad Buffet
6:15-7:15 p.m. Conversations (Topics TBD)
7:30 p.m. Alumni Performance*
Post Performance Sharing
Post Sharing Raven Café or Another Venue, Open Floor
Saturday, November 7
7-8:45 a.m. Light Breakfast, Tea, Coffee Buffet
7:30-8:30 a.m. Dynamic Flow Yoga (Breanna Rogers)
9-10:30 a.m. Gaga for People (Maree ReMalia)
11-12:30 p.m. Elemental Animal (Mizu Desierto)
10:45am-12:45 p.m. Local Hike Option (TBD)
1-2:30 p.m. Lunch: Especial Mexican Buffet with informal program (Crossroads Café)
2:30-4 p.m. Networking, Open Floor
(GPAC and Chapel Open)
3:30-5:30pm. Local Hike option (TBD)
4-5:30 p.m. West African- Inspired Dance with live drumming (Nikki Kokotovich, Greg Stephens)
5:30-7:15 p.m. Dinner (on your own)
7:30 p.m. Dance Party with Moving Edge Ensemble and Friends
Sunday, November 8
7-8:45 a.m. Light Breakfast, Tea, Coffee Buffet
7:30-8:30 a.m. Acro Yoga (Jody Karr-Silaski)
9-10:30 a.m. Inner Dance (Heather Starsong)
11-12 p.m. Networking, Inspiration, What's next?
12:15-1:30 p.m. Closing Circle

Ten Tiny Dances at Breaking Ground Dance and Film Festival
March 21, 2015
More information to come.

Argentine Tango Workshop with Delisa and Earl
September 13, 2014
Human Nature Dance Studio
4 Phoenix Street
Flagstaff, AZ
Class 1: 1-2:00
Tango Play
There are no mistakes, only opportunities for improvisation. This workshop kicks off the day with a playful and improvisational approach to your dance. Some questions we will look at are: What is improvisation? How do I get more of it into my tango dancing? How do I invite it in my partner? We will play both outside and inside the vocabulary and roles of tango with solo, duet and group improvisations. This class is intended to free up your body/mind and broaden your dancing possibilities.
Class 2: 2:15-3:15
Molinete, Sacada, Cruzada, Oh My !….:
In this class we'll play with concepts and ideas of 3 classic Tango movements - Molinete, Sacada, Cruzada. We'll work with some of the conventional ideas of these movements and then integrate some ideas of how to move as lead/follow, proposer/interperter, using techniques and ideas such as "follow your lead", "interruption" and "balance and contact".
Class 3: 3:30 – 4:30
Mix and Match
In the final class we'll pull it all the ideas together into a base figure and then play with different options/opportunities/variations using the vocabulary of the day. You'll be invited to discover new ways to mix and match the movements to the music and then share with the class.
Evening Milonga: 8-Midnight
DJ El Duque. Evening of tandas with the classics and about 25% modern and non-tangos. Depending on peoples mood there may be full song cortinas to salsa and swings.
Full Day (3 classes + Milonga) $50
Ala Carte: $15 per class
Milonga: $10
Available for Private Lessons Sunday @ $50 / hour for up to 2 persons

Exploring the Interpersonal Realm through Stillness & Movement A Vipassana Retreat with Mindful Movement
December 14th and 15th, 2013
I’m looking forward to exploring new territory co-teaching a weekend retreat with Brian LeSage. The workshop schedule will alternate between solo meditation, partner interactions using improvisational movement and discussion. Click on the link below for more workshop information and registration form.